Monday, 7 April 2014


 May it interest readers to know that the contents of this message is primarily based on John Hagee’s “Four Blood Moons” and “Jerusalem Countdown” respectively, and Mark Gabriel’s “Journey into the Mind of an Islamic Terrorist”
With eager longing, many have been waiting for a follow-up of a message I shared pertaining the Four Blood Moons. However, I implore you to discard anxiety so as not to be beclouded by fear at the expense of the message. For Christians, the bible is so rich, yet controversial to the extent that one may be able to fault its logic, but not its message. And at least for a moment, the scientific world has shown its amazement towards an event so scientific in principle, yet with a biblical foundation. This to a large extent has aroused some sort of creative tension in our society.
It is notable to grasp clearly some scriptural passages that give a clue to our theme. It will amaze our dear readers how evident the bible puts it, though we may not have been conscious of it.
There will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars…Then they will see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to happen…your redemption draws nears (Lk. 21:25, 27-28.)
 I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs in the earth beneath…The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood… (Acts 2:19-20; Joel 2:31.)
Immediately after the great tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened (solar eclipse), and the moon will not give its light (lunar eclipse); the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken (nuclear warfare?) Then (after the signs in the heavens) the son of man will appear in heaven (Mtt. 24:29-30.)
It is worthy to note that astronomy is the science that studies the movements and positions of planets and stars (God created the stars and calls them by name (Psalm 147:4.) Astrology on the other hand is the worship of stars which is both occultic and pagan. People who make choices based on the stars are seeking guidance for their lives from created things rather than from the creator. It violates God’s law (Rom. 1:20-21; Exodus 20:4.) Therefore, when someone calls you a star, it may not necessarily be a compliment.
What is a Blood Moon?
“Moon turning into blood” in these verses of scripture would lead us to the fact that there is an astronomical event called a BLOOD MOON. A Blood Moon occurs during a total lunar eclipse; it means that the moon does not actually turn into blood, but it does appear blood-red.
That there shall be signs in the heavens? The Hebrew word for sign is owth, which means signal. The heavens (sun, moon and stars) are God’s billboard announcing coming event (Rev. 8; Joshua 10:11; Ez. 38:22-23; Ps. 19:1-4.) The word heavens is plural because there are three heavens in scripture; the first is the one we see with our naked eye (sun, moon and stars); the second is where Satan has his throne. God converses with Satan in the second heaven (Job 1:6-8.) The eternal heaven where God dwells is the third heaven (2Cor. 12:2.)
The Tetrad of the Four Blood Moons has occurred three times in the past 500 years. It occurred between 1493-1494 in the following order;
1.      Passover April 2, 1493
2.      Feast of Tabernacles September 25, 1493
3.      Passover March 22, 1494
4.      Feasts of Tabernacles September 15, 1494
In between the Four Blood Moons was a total solar eclipse (September 24, 1493.)

 The second Tetrad of the Four Blood Moons was between 1949-1950 in a similar order but with different dates. The third was between 1967-1968, following the same pattern. In between the Four Blood Moons, there was always a solar eclipse (September 24, 1493; September 12, 1950; November 2, 1967.) Going through the previous Blood Moons that had occurred in history, there is a common denominator; it always begins with tribulations or sorrows, but there is always victory at the end. For example 1493 witnessed the expulsion of the Jews from Spain by King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I (tribulation). Shortly after, America was discovered and it became a home for the Jews (joy.) Those who are curious would certainly find other events in the Blood Moons of 1949 and 1967 respectively.

NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has projected that the next tetrad of the Blood Moon would begin on April 2014 and end in September 2015. It will occur in the following sequence:
1.      Passover, April 15, 2014.
2.      Feast of Tabernacles, October 8, 2014.
3.      Passover, April 4, 2015.
4.      Feast of Tabernacles, September 28, 2015.
In between the tetrad, there will be a Total Solar Eclipse on March 20, 2015.
What is the prophetic significance? The tetrad of 2014-2015 aligns with the feast of the Lord as in 1492, 1949 and 1967 respectively. Isn’t that awesome? They were centered on significant events in relation to the Jewish people. No wonder, Israel is the apple of God’s eye. No wonder, down through the ages in scripture, those who rally round Israel have God’s favour; in Luke 7:5 the elders told Jesus that he should grant the request of the Roman Centurion because he loves their nation and built their synagogue. Acts 10:22 describes Cornelius as a just man who has good reputation among the Jews. Psalm 122:6 says that those who love Jerusalem are prosperous, etc. Hagee puts it more succinctly: “Judaism does not need Christianity to explain its existence; Christianity, however, cannot explain its existence without Judaism.” The wisdom of some Christian communities (Catholic Church and Cornerstone church) towards supporting Israel both materially and spiritually becomes more evident to me.
Adolf Hitler hated the Jewish people with an unrepentant passion to the extent that before coming into power, Hitler wrote “Mein Kampf”, which means, “My Struggle”. It is no coincidence that the word Jihad also means “My Struggle”. Little wonder, President Abdur Rahman Aref of Iraq stated: “The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear- to wipe Israel off the map.” It is also noteworthy that until the coming of Yasser Arafat in 1959 and his terrorist organization, there has never been any autonomous group of people called Palestinians.
In 1983, Lebanon constituted 86% Christians and 14% Muslims, but today Lebanon is 34% Christians and 66% Muslims and the number of Christians decrease as days go by. It is also noteworthy that 62% of Muslims live outside the Middle East. Most Christians who want to dismiss something as old and irrelevant would say, “that’s history.” However, for a Muslim, the past and the present cannot be separated. That is why for Muslims, the invasion of Muslims in Jerusalem by Crusaders in 1099AD, invasion of Egypt and Syria by Napoleon Bonaparte between 1798-1801, America’s invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003 are all seen as one and the same event. It becomes highly probable that Islamic terrorists (not Muslims) are in every country of the world; you attend school with them and you dine with them.
We live in a world where right means wrong and wrong becomes right. There are countless number of prophets with a message of political correctness in the guise of replacement theology, a society where people are more familiar with Forbes magazine than with the bible, more at home with the symbols of coca-cola than with the sign of the cross. Nothing is absolutely right since they have been reduced to matters of personal concerns. Joseph Ratzinger puts it clearly when he referred to it as “the dictatorship of relativism.”
Global scientists are warning the world of a potential pandemic flu outbreak which usually strikes three to four times in a century; this flu is capable of spreading from person to person and it is not a question of “if” it would happen, but a matter of “when” it would occur. “When it does happen, gather all your family…and isolate yourselves for several months. That will be the price of survival.”
We still have some unanswered questions: what lessons does the Blood Moon hold for us? What occurrences should we be expecting? Could it be the pandemic flu? Could it be the realization of Iran and Russia in their determination to wipe out Israel? Why is it coming at a tensed moment in our dear nation? On another hand, I choose not to dwell in the negative, since I know that though it begins with tribulation, there is always victory to those whose God is the Lord. Brethren, surely like myself this message is subject to rationalization, but also remember that the fear of the Lord is the starting point of wisdom. When God wants to destroy an incorrigible people, he uses a ‘David’ to end the pride of a ‘Goliath’ to shock those who put their trust in men. Let those that have ears listen.

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